wayfarer in the kitchen

Friday, November 02, 2007

boy the time flies

I really don't know where it goes sometimes. Well, we are actually on the last week of this project (the $ spent on grocery test) but i've decided to keep part of it going. I will continue to post tips, my menu each week and recipes. I don't know how often i will post but i'll definately do the menu each week since it's something i do anyhow.

Okay, we left off last week with how much i spent. I spent $53 something but that included meat for the next week or two and also halloween candy which was like $10 on it's own but i'll include $50 in my total anyway because my husband did stop for me a few times for milk or bread so that'll buffer the total. I'm not shopping this week and i'm only cooking for LD because our freezer is too full and I'm still real sick and don't feel like cooking.

So, the total for this past week is $53 which brings our grand total to ($136 + $53= $189). Not bad right? There's a few things i need from the store for this current week so i think i'll be right on target for $200. I didn't go out of my way to hit that target either. This is the typical month for us. It really is about not wasting food, using fresh food and always always having a list and staying focused on that list.

I'm going to backdate these posts so it's consecutive and isn't confusing.


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